Gillian M
Marketing Manager
Gillian will work with you to devise digital marketing tactics to achieve the best possible outcome.
Marketer and digital expert with over 20 years of experience on both client and agency side. Gillian has strategised and produced a range of marketing and digital solutions for high-profile clients including Max Solutions, Lite 'n Easy, Allianz, Springfield Land Corporation, Sonic Healthcare, and Brisbane City Council.
Much of her career has been spent in client service and strategy. Gillian is a dedicated people person. Her best work is done in a team and she loves to collaborate with clients and partners every step of the way to achieve the best possible outcome.
Mettro Digital Agency
Account Director (2010 - 2022)
Reporting to the General Manager, this role was a combination of high level client service and strategy.
Key duties included:
Taking client briefs and developing specifications for technical projects.
Strategising solutions via research and workshops.
Developing project specs.
Drive on budget, on time delivery.
Lead creative and development teams.
Reporting on budgets and achievements.
Key clients were: Lite n' Easy, Allianz, Sonic Healthcare, Invest Sunshine Coast, The French Beauty Academy, Ray White Commercial, Greater Springfield Land Corporation, Cornerstone Medical Recruitment, Queensland Government, Brisbane City Council, Australian Academy of Science.
Led strategy, design and development of a smart functional application and website for the Cooperative Research Centre's Water Sensitive Cities initiative, including running strategy workshops and ideation sessions, which resulted in a highly technical best practice website and increased user satisfaction reported to business due to ease of navigation.
Management of Content Team for Tropical North Queensland Tourism client, including development of content strategy, workshops with key stakeholders, management of two content producers, development of social media plan and directing SEO optimisation.
Developed business audits (brand, marketing, content) with key strategic recommendations for clients including PayGo merchant banking, Nick Did This branding agency and Tropical North Queensland Tourism.
Led the account and drove the successful delivery of the national MAX Solutions Drupal website which received outstanding client feedback and was adopted as the global standard for MAX Solutions websites.
Led the account and drove the successful delivery of Cornerstone Medical Recruitment WordPress website which exceeded client expectations for both the process and outcome.
Led the strategy, design and development of a new brand digital direction for Springfield Land Corporation which won both national and international interactive industry awards.
Led strategy and the re-engineering of the Lite n Easy ordering process (desktop and mobile) which resulted in 90% improvement in satisfaction of Lite n Easy customers.
ClimartSmart Living
Marketing Project Manager (2008 - 2009)
The Office of Climate Change was a special department set up to focus on the pressing community issue of climate change and develop policy and community education and marketing initiatives to drive behaviour change at all levels from industry to the general public.
Project managed the design and development of the ClimateSmart Living brand creative including logo and taglines.
Led the strategy, design and development of the ClimateSmart Living campaign website, including devising interactive tools and calculators.
Led the design, writing, and development of campaign collateral including media assets, brochures, and a booklet delivered to all residents of Queensland
The project included a photographic brief as well as all the creative and print production.
The key achievement was the translation of scientific content into plain English whilst retaining technical accuracy.
Delivered multiple Ministerial media events including the launch of the 1 Million Women campaign including arranging keynote speakers, writing media kit content, and project managing photo opp event with Premier.
Gillian Moody Consulting
Marketing Consultant (2006 - 2022)
Provide strategic brand advice as well as deliver marketing and communication plans and collateral to a range of SME clients including:
Full Circle Fibres: produced marketing plan, managed corporate photo shoot, wrote corporate brochure and website and produced social media content for sustainability champions in the apparel industry.
Limebranch Consulting: brand strategy and development of strategic marketing plan for Sustainability Consultant, Andrew Chamberlin.
Sacha Drake: social media and marketing strategy for fashion retailer.
Maiocchi: social media and marketing strategy, writing content for fashion retailer.
Museum of Brisbane: brand and website audit and marketing strategy including various stakeholder workshops.
Department Of Environment and Resource Management
Manager, Multimedia and Design Team (2006 - 2008)
The multimedia and design team in the Department was a team of 13 creative communications professionals including multimedia designers, photographers, graphic designers, an illustrator, and filmmakers. The team was responsible for the creation, curation, and management of all the creative assets of the Department including brochures, posters, catalogues, documentaries, videos, signage and community education material.
Lead the team and built a high-performing production house that could effectively service the whole agency.
Directed, supported, and coached a team of 13 staff that provided 5-star customer service to internal clients (as per client survey).
Strategised, briefed, and directed the team to produce multiple effective above and below the line campaigns, including State-wide recycling bin labelling still in circulation today across Queensland.
Produced two documentaries about drought and post-drought Queensland - travelled with the team to Central Qld and oversaw filming and photography including commissioning of light planes and helicopters for specialist footage.
Brisbane City Council
Account Manager (2004 - 2006)
Provided account management to various internal clients and to develop effective online strategies and content and marketing campaigns.
Clients included Major Infrastructure Projects Office, Museum of Brisbane, Parks and Libraries, Pools, Planetarium, City Events, and Victoria Park Golf Club.
Strategised and project managed the development of microsites within brisbane.qld.gov.au for various client campaigns such as Bushweek, Lord Mayors Awards, Libraries, major city events, and National Tree Day.
Devised online strategies to market and increase community involvement in major consultation projects e.g North-South Bypass Tunnel, Green Bridge, and the King George Square Redevelopment.
Healthy Waterways
Marketing Manager (2001 - 2004)
Led Healthy Waterways campaign which was a multi-faceted marketing communication program aiming to improve the health of waterways and catchments in the region.
Provided integrated marketing support (and ‘membership' support) to these members by developing strategies, coordinating regional issue- based campaigns, producing promotional materials, attending local events and managing brand distribution.
Led the redevelopment of the Healthy Waterways website which was successfully launched to partners, including the strategy database that kept track of all actions being undertaken by all
partners that contributed to the strategic plan.
Led the production of the annual Healthy Waterways Awards gala event 2002, 2003 and 2004 including managing all sponsorship, event planning and implementation and PR liaison.
Managed the annual Healthy Waterways Report Card media launch 2002, 2003 and 2004 which was a joint State and local government event involving multiple mayors and key stakeholders, including a media partnership with Quest Newspapers and Channel 7.
Developed and managed relationships with 100+ Healthy Waterways partners.
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism/Psychology) (1993)
University of Queensland