Hillary S
Marketing Strategist
Hillary is a strategic marketing and communications professional with over 25 years of experience across government and private enterprise.
Hillary is a strategic marketing and communications professional with over 25 years of experience across local, state and federal governments and private enterprise on both client and consulting sides.
Hillary has delivered numerous strategic and coordinated marketing and communication strategies, activities and campaigns via traditional and online formats within government and private organisations.
Hillary possesses a wealth of transferable business skills and expertise. She is highly competent and holds a strong work ethic with an honest and caring nature.
Hillary’s extensive experience is underpinned by solid academic competencies, including an MBA and Bachelor of Business, Management from the University of Queensland.
Sunshine Coast Airport
Marketing & Communications Manager (2018 - 2019)
Strategic and hands-on marketing and communications position undertaking all marketing, communication and media requirements for the business. I was the only resource for this area of the business.
Airport Master Plan 2040 – developed, managed, lead and implemented the strategic communications and stakeholder engagement plan for the Airport Master Plan 2040 project over a 12-month period, plus lead and managed the 10-week public consultation period (while still undertaking all marketing and communication requirements for the business).
Matrix role reporting directly to the CEO, and General Manager of Aviation and Commercial.
Worked across all areas of the business and with all teams.
Part of the Aviation and Commercial larger team, marketing and communications team of one.
Exceptionally busy and fast-paced role within a dynamic environment, strategic focus with daily reactive and ad-hoc requirements due to nature of industry and media.
Utilised and worked closely with various agencies, local subcontractors and businesses for many business requirements including video production, social media, and graphic design services.
Managed all marketing, communications and media requirements for the business and involved in all aspects of the business undertaking various requirements and providing professional sound advice.
Managed and developed the brand for the business.
Worked directly with the CEO and executive team on a daily basis, plus Chairman and Board as required.
Committee member – Aviation Community Aviation Forum and Aviation Commercial Tenants Forum.
Role focus and completion:
Development, management and implementation of a Strategic Marketing and Communications Plan
(includes campaigns strategy, digital marketing strategy, stakeholder engagement and community
strategy, sponsorship strategy, communication strategy, media strategy)
Development of new modern fresh creative campaigns with targeted key messages – video and static
inline with the business corporate branding, for many and varied activities across various platforms
development, management and implementation of various campaigns including:
Air NZ seasonal consumer inbound campaign – current and future, to increase passenger numbers
Airline marketing – working with all partnered airlines developing new innovative marketing
campaigns for current and new routes (primarily digital marketing campaigns – outbound).̃
Fly Sunshine Coast campaign – develop new campaign to increase market share, footprint/connection
to key messages, increase awareness of region and connections, improved linkage to the business.̃ Aviation partnership – representing the airport worked with Tourism Noosa and Visit Sunshine Coast
for destination inbound campaigns with airlines, tourism and other partners.
online presence – developed and managed the digital marketing strategy (includes all digital activities),
social media strategy and management, digital campaigns, website redevelopment, to assist in repositioning the business.
Managed the website, wrote all website content, undertake continuous website improvements and
website development (I do a large portion of the website backend work), plus issue management
organised and managed various events for the business as required
terminal commercial marketing action plan – development of marketing plan for airport commercial
sponsorship – managed business sponsorship partners and agreements plus developed an in-kind
sponsorship package to increase activity within community paid sponsorship for community and national
promotion opportunities, while providing a limited sponsorship budget; manage sponsorship enquiries
and current sponsorship agreements with various partners
aligned all marketing strategies and activities with the communication strategy and media activities.
Visit Sunshine Coast (Sunshine Coast Tourism organ
Marketing, Branding & Communication (2018 - 2018)
I was engaged in this contract position to act in the marketing specialist role for a few weeks, to assist the team with many and various marketing activities and campaigns while the organisation went through a transitional phase, however, I worked for the organisation for approximately four months.
Acquired a thorough understanding and sound working competency of the: regional tourism organisation structure and operation; Australian tourism industry and market; Sunshine Coast tourism challenges, opportunities, market and members.
Due to my sound experience, qualifications and competencies, I worked with the CEO and Head of Marketing on a number of high-level projects for the organisation including provided strategic business and marketing advice and input into the domestic and international strategic marketing plans, and instigated and managed a the brand study project, new photoshoot (static and video) project, new campaigns, new processes to manage and track campaigns and digital marketing activities.
I also undertook additional marketing and communication activities including develop, execute and evaluate the Sunshine Coast’s Commonwealth Games campaign, report on previous campaigns, worked closely with the Digital Marketing Manager, graphic designer, web developer, and other team members, created content for the blog and social media, undertook writing for the blog, website and social media, developed various design creatives, advertisement creation, developed industry presentations and worked with a range of suppliers, partners and members.
Quickly learnt many aspects of the business while working in a fast pace and busy environment.
Barking Mad Marketing
Director/Owner (2013 - current)
2020 – Unitywater: During 2020 and throughout COVID, I undertook consultancy work (remotely via my home office) subcontracted via a local consultancy agency on a large water infrastructure project for the Sunshine Coast and Noosa region, within a communications and stakeholder engagement capacity to assist with the development and delivery of the project’s communications and stakeholder strategy and stakeholder consultation phase which included stakeholder research. This piece of work was completed for the client at the end of December 2020.
2013 – 2018 – founded Barking Mad Marketing a small business delivering professional strategic marketing and communication services, and website solutions for small to medium-size businesses: o worked in the business for 18 months full time, then between jobs, part-time and after hours as required o through the tender process Barking Mad Marketing was successful and is a preferred supplier to the Sunshine Coast Council in three categories (for two years) – public and media relations strategy and advice, journalists/writers, and graphic design o developed, managed and executed a number of client projects including: strategic marketing planning; digital marketing strategies and campaigns; development of digital catalogues; website design and development; campaign development and execution; results reporting; writing services and content creation; branding and rebranding businesses; plus, a range of print design solutions o previous clients included national 4WD business, national home builder, Sunshine Coast Council, earth sciences business, trades, coaching and tourism businesses.
MBA (2007)
University of Queensland
Bachelor of Business Management (1997)
University of Queensland
Associate Diploma of Business Hospitality Services (1990)
University of Queensland